Current News

VBS Snack List Needs

Yummy Food Donation requests:

Sun Chips

Whale-shaped crackers

Veggie Straws

Goldfish crackers

Crunchy Cheetos

Oyster crackers


Banana chips

M&M’s (Plain)




Small-sized pretzels

Small-sized marshmallows


We are so excited to gear up for another great year of VBS for our kiddos. We absolutely LOVE to share te story of Jesus and the good news of the gospel. Last year through the efforts of many wonderful volunteers, several children gave their hearts to the Lord. This is what it is all about. Building the Kingdom, following our Savior’s command to teach, tell and trust in Him for the results.

We would love to have you on board for our VBS team this year as we focus our attention on the Pacific Northwest. Our theme this year is called, “Breaker Rock Beach, God’s Rock-Solid Truth In A World of Shifting Sands”.

It takes many volunteers to have a successful VBS. We need prayer warriors, teachers, guides, student helpers, kitchen staff, and various other people, of which YOU can be a part of the fun.

Now is the time to sign up for T-shirt orders, food donations, and early registration. The VBS table is in the foyer by the welcome center. We encourage early registration to avoid long lines during the week of VBS. We are accepting T-shirt orders until May 19th.

Thank you in advance as you prayerfully consider

what is the best option of service for you at this time.

We know and trust that the Lord will bless you

and reward you as you devote your

time, talents and treasures to Him.

The VBS directors are Elizabeth Godwin and Deanna Dodd.

Feel free to reach out and contact them by cell or text:

DeAnna: 615-948-0473           Elizabeth:615-478-9168