Winter DiscipleLife Classes
Classes Begin Week of January 13th
Ladies Bible Study: Revelation by Jen Wilkins (10 wks.) Led by Cheryl Waters & Lori Snow (9:00am - begins Jan. 14) C101-105
PRECEPT: Study of Ezekiel Part 1 Led By: Doris Collins (9:30am - begins Jan. 14) C112-114
Men’s Tuesday Bible Study: Led By: Gary Hilton (9:00am - begins Jan. 14) C104
Pastor Mike’s Study: (in progress) - Fellowship Hall
Study: Gifted to Minister at *NOON & 6:30pm
Ladies Bible Study: Lord I Want to Know You - C101-105
Led By: Angie Richardson (begins Jan. 15) 6:30pm
Ladies Bible Study: The Purpose of Prayer - Upstairs Youth Area
Led By: Sandra Ivey - (begins Jan. 29) 6:30pm
Co-Ed Bible Study: Family Worship - In the Bible, In History, & In Your Home – Y110
Led By: Jeff Heflin - (begins Jan. 15) 6:30pm
Men’s Study: The Ways of God (Henry Blackaby) Guest Central
Led By: Todd Vermilyea (begins Jan. 15) 6:30pm
Men’s Wednesday Bible Study - The Book of Psalm C104
Led By: Edwin Davis (in progress) 6:30pm
GriefShare Support Group: 13 week study: (Begins Jan. 15 @ 6:00pm) Y106
Led By: Jon Roy & Maria Sloan & Robbie Wales
Childcare - Deborah Young/Janice Proctor A104
Mission Friends
3 yr. olds - Robin Metcalf & Emily Metcalf A103
4yr. olds - Luci Gentry & Elizabeth Godwin A125
5 yr. olds - K - Cindy Verveka A124
Girls in Action (GA’s)
1st grade B112
2nd - 3rd grades B106-108
4th - 5th grades B102-104
Royal Ambassadors (RA’s)
1st grade B110
2nd – 3rd grades B105-107
4th - 5th grades B101-103
UNTAMED (youth 6-12 grades at 6:30pm) Conference Ctr.